10) Clark & Tess - Starting with the less likely wishes to be granted, I would like to see a relationship between Clark and Tess to happen either due to both being under a spell or because of the situation they are in. Unfortunately because season nine put the Clark/Lois relationship on fast forward compared to season eight, it pretty much eliminates the possibility of pairing either up with other love interests. I remember watching 'Turbulence' in season eight and thinking now that Tess knew about Clark's secret that it would be interesting if they got together and Clark had a close relationship with her that he always wished he had with Lex Luthor. Instead Tess was handled poorly in season nine and she shared scenes mostly with Zod and Oliver, only seeing Clark when he was angry and willing to throw her around for her misdeeds. I was disappointed to say the least.
9) Bruce Wayne/Graysons - Smallville fans should remember back in season three when the character Adam Knight appeared on the show for an extended run and the rumors were that he was actually Bruce Wayne in disguise. Unfortunately the speculation proved to be false and the character instead took a much darker turn. Now that Smallville is entering its' tenth season it's clear that Warner Bros./DC Comics has a problem with certain DC characters like Batman being used in a minor role on Smallville and refuses to allow it. I have a feeling it is a concerted effort to keep the Batman property a live-action film property in the way that they only turned to TV for Superman after the movies in the eighties began to wane - after Superman IV came the Superboy TV series, Lois & Clark, and Smallville. That said, I would enjoy it if they were willing to at least mention Bruce Wayne in passing, like if Oliver or Tess came from a Wayne function in Gotham or if a newspaper in the Daily Planet had a headline on the return of Bruce Wayne. Likewise, the CW teased last year the idea of developing a pilot on the Graysons that never came to realization. I think it would be fun if they had the circus come to Metropolis in an episode and had Clark watch a young acrobat couple, The Flying Graysons. I would settle for that.
8) Wonder Woman - This is the other DC character that producers have been unable to bring into the Smallville fold and that is disappointing because I would love to see the interpretation of Diana for the Smallville universe. I think they would focus on the Amazon aspect of Diana and have her be a warrior very connected to nature and the wild. She would of course need her silver bracelets at the very least. Of course her introduction would have worked best with the Clark/Lois status quo of season eight so that she could be considered a love interest to mix things up in Smallville.
7) Directing - Smallville has had a trend of giving their main actors an opportunity to direct an episode or two during a season. I think what would be awesome for the final season is if they allowed all of the actors that have directed an episode over the series' run to come back and direct an episode of season ten. It's a small list - John Schneider, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Tom Welling - but I have doubts that we will see anyone other than Tom get a chance to direct during the final season.
6) Guest Star Arcs - With the continued shrinking of the main cast over the seasons, I would like to see in the final season guest stars get more than one episode to explore their character. If they were in three to four episode arcs, characters like John Jones and Mia could become more well rounded and their relationships with the main cast would become more defined compared to the time spent on those aspects in one episode.

4) Diversified Cast - Another aspect of the show to disappear over the seasons is the disappearance of different age groups involved in the cast as the size decreased as well. In the early seasons you had three groups on the show: the Adults with the Kents, Lionel Luthor, Gabe Sullivan, Nell Potter, and various teachers and sheriffs; the young Adults with Lex Luthor, Helen Bryce, Jason Teague and the kids consisting of Clark and his friends. Now in the later seasons we basically have Clark and his friends grown up into young adults and no one else in the main cast. No one older, no one younger. Season nine gave some great ideas towards returning to the multiple age group dynamic that I would love to see explored with a new young bunch - Mia, Zan & Jayna, Courtney - along with an older bunch - Carter Hall, John Jones, Perry White, Martha Kent. It reminded me of the good old days and I would hope to see more of it in season ten, having Clark and friends act as mentors as well as have those they can look to as well.
3) Return to the Red and Blue - As nice as it was for Clark to be wearing the House of El crest in season nine, it came at the suffering of his signature color scheme which went dreadfully gray and dark. The look of Smallville for many seasons was Clark in the red/blue jacket/shirt combination and when Season eight brought the creation of the Red, Blue Blur it was the most brilliant innovation to the mythos that I can remember Smallville doing and I hope it returns in season ten. I can understand the wardrobe change for Clark now that he's in the Daily Planet but I feel some time in the red and blue is way overdue.
2) Cast Reunion/Retrospective for DVD - This is more something I'd like to see in the season ten DVD special features where they would bring together every main cast member over the ten seasons - anyone that was in the show introduction during the run - and put them in a seated room environment like the Survivor/Reality Show reunion shows and have them reminisce over the series. Perhaps as moderators you could have Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson. Talking about memories, first impressions, their last scenes, funny moments, the fans, and what they wish could have been done for their character that wasn't. Speaking of special features, I would also love if they brought back the gag reels that were in the early season sets. Those were so much fun to watch and really gave a sense of the fun that existed on the set.

Check out Geek Plate's Tumblr for today's Smallville themed picspam.
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