Art by Chris Scalf
Cover by Chris Scalf
Publisher: Dark Horse
Price: $3.50
This week there were several highly anticipated big name comic books released but it was a mini-series from Dark Horse under the Star Wars brand that rose to the top of the stack. Star Wars: Blood Ties #1 is a mini-series centered around everyone's favorite father/son bounty hunter duo of Jango Fett and Boba Fett. Tom Taylor is the writer of this series as well as another Star Wars title for Dark Horse, Star Wars: Invasion.
This issue starts the tale in the time of the Clone Wars with Jango Fett and his son/young clone, Boba, in tow. We are treated to a dangerous training lesson that Jango teaches Boba before Jango is sent on a mission by Count Dooku that leads to a last page reveal that leaves the reader with questions that seem obvious in hindsight but were never brought up before this issue.
The art and cover is by Chris Scalf, who does a great job of modeling the characters of Jango and Boba after their movie counterparts. I am sure this probably is due to Lucas obtaining likeness rights, but one of the best things about Star Wars is the recognition of its characters from different mediums. I could take a panel with Jango or Boba and easily imagine it coming from the Clone Wars cartoon series.
I normally don't seek out 'villain' focused books but with it being Star Wars and the Fetts more of hitmen than outright villains this was a book I was interested in reading and I am glad I did so. For being ancillary characters in the movies, the Fetts stir a great interest from fans and it is nice to see them getting their own time in the spotlight. This book should do them justice.
Check out Geek Plate's Tumblr for today's Star Wars themed picspam.
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