Art by Chris Samnee
Cover by Chris Samnee
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99
Sometimes the downside to having published comics on a character for decades is that a history develops that can bog down said character and make it daunting for a new reader to jump on and try reading a book starring the character. Not to mention that most books that are part of a line get intermixed with other comics in that universe and it can just plain be confusing at times why a character is somewhere or doing something. That is why in a week where issues of Action Comics, Detective Comics, Fantastic Four, Wonder Woman and even Thor were released with an issue number of at least 500 deep, it was the perfect time for a book like Thor: The Mighty Avenger, that is disconnected from the current Marvel Universe and starring a legendary character in Thor with none of the continuity that is around his long-running comic to shine.
To my knowledge this is my first taste experiencing writer Roger Langridge's work, and through two issues he has produced a wide range of situations for Thor to be in without making it complicated to follow and more importantly the reader gets to know the basics about Thor, that he is a good guy trying to do the right thing in a world that is not his. Artist Chris Samnee's look for the book adds to the open, simple feel the story has without the heavy, over complication continuity can add to a title. His skill really shines when illustrating the magnificent moment of Thor reuniting with his hammer, to then later go to a sweet moment of Jane kissing Thor on the cheek while he is encumbered with a load of food he is about to eat and still have the same elegance to the art.
This second issue continues the story of Thor invading Jane Foster's life and defending her against the attention of a 'Mister Hyde' all the while trying to find out why he was in this world and how he can get back home to Asgard. It's clear that a connection is developing between Jane and Thor after he defended her virtue and with no home to go to I look for that bond to grow.
There is something about having such a small cast that really endears Thor and Jane to the reader and I am eager to see the further adventures (or misadventures) that come up now that Thor is around. Anyone looking for a superhero book should give Thor: The Mighty Avenger a chance because it's clear this is the start of something really great.
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