Here is some of the interesting news events to come out of CV:
--On Thursday, there was the 'Thirty Years Later: A Conversation with the Masters' panel starring George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, and John Williams as they looked back at the making of Empire Strikes Back.
--The first look of the Droid 2 R2-D2 edition was released just in time for Celebration V.
--Del Rey had a teaser cover on the exhibit floor for the next Fate of the Jedi book, Ascension. And at their panel Del Rey talked about the future of Star Wars books.
--Merchandise for female geeks was well represented at Celebration V with the Her Universe booth.
--During the Main Event with George Lucas, it was announced that the Star Wars series would be coming to Blu-ray in 2011.
--With Knights of the Republic and Legacy coming to an end, Dark Horse held a panel foretelling the future of Star Wars comics.
--For the continuity geeks out there, 'The Dark Side Clouds Everything' Panel talked about The Clone Wars and the continuity around it and how it relates to the existing continuity.
--At CV Hallmark continued its strong support of the Star Wars brand.
--TheForce.net covered the packed Clone Wars Season 3 panel (with video clips).
Check out Geek Plate's Tumblr for today's Star Wars themed picspam.
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